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Investing in Your IT Security

Written by Deep Thought | Dec 14, 2023 9:05:46 PM

Why IT Security Is Important for Business Continuity

There’s so much up in the air these days: when your team will be able to (safely) return to the office, how long you’ll be stuck doing Zoom calls instead of in-person meetings, and what your business model will look like a year from now. It may have been several months since the pandemic first hit, but we’re still trying to adjust to all of the far-reaching effects. And in times of serious stress and confusion, any semblance of normalcy is welcome. That’s why prioritizing the functionality of your IT security plan is an absolute must moving forward. 

Your team is most likely spending more time apart than you ever have in the past. That may come with some perks—fewer pricey lunches, no soul-crushing commutes—but there are plenty of challenges this new normal brings as well. An increase in remote work means your network likely has more vulnerabilities for hackers to exploit than when your team was all under one roof. Protecting those pain points not only keeps your data and personal information safe, it gives your team the time and freedom required to focus on what they do best. 

High-functioning cyber security isn’t an accident. It requires diligent, near-constant monitoring, a keen eye for discovering threats, and a proactive approach that can only come from years of experience. If you want to make an investment that truly has an impact on the quality and reliability of your workflow, IT security from 42, Inc. is the best place to start.

Need Protection? Proactive IT Security Is the Best Option

Think of everything in your life that you need insurance to protect: your house, your car, your family. Would you wait until after something terrible happens to invest in a policy? Of course not—it’d be completely pointless. You know how important it is to prioritize proactive action when it comes to insurance policies, and your IT security should be no different. 

Waiting until after a cyber attack can have disastrous results and can leave you in a lurch for a long, long time. Extended downtime can be a death knell for any company, regardless of their size—the longer you go without servicing your clients, the closer you are to obsolescence. 

Most companies operate under the assumption that their security solution is fine because everything’s working normally—for now. That’s why they put off updating their cyber security. If there’s no immediate threat, why go out of your way to add all the bells and whistles you don’t need? That can all change in an instant. And that’s where 42, Inc. comes in.

We Fight Back Against Any and All Threats

You barely have time to juggle every team on your schedule as is—so how can you possibly be expected to handle your cyber security in your (minimal) spare time? No threat is too small to ignore, and that’s why you need an IT team that has the experience necessary to handle any cyber attack. 42, Inc., offers a number of different options, all of which can be custom-tailored to protect your network from the unique threats you face. Our cyber security solutions include: 

We handle everything you need to work remotely, hassle-free. From restricting unauthorized access to seamlessly integrating up-to-date network security measures, our team is capable of handling the security of your entire network so that you can keep up with business as usual.

Minimal Frustration, Maximum Performance

Why let avoidable issues disrupt productivity and put you in a bad spot? Working with a managed service provider that not only recognizes the problems you’re facing, but also has the experience to resolve them quickly and effectively can make a world of a difference. At 42, Inc., we’ve truly seen it all, and know exactly what it takes to help your team master the art of working remotely. For more information on how our team can help you throughout the pandemic and beyond, reach out today.