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Managed Services vs. Break-Fix

Written by Deep Thought | Dec 14, 2023 8:39:47 PM

Do you have a plan in place for your IT when things go south? It’s easy to assume that it’ll happen to another company, but we’re all “someone else” to someone else. It’s time to take control of your future and invest in a solution that’s going to provide long-lasting, reliable service. It’s time to invest in high-quality managed services, instead of sticking with a break-fix mentality.

Managed Services vs. Break-Fix: What’s the Difference?

The last thing you want when an issue arises for your IT is to be caught off guard. Managing your day-to-day operations is already time consuming enough as is; if a security threat shows up and you’re unprepared, it could spell disaster for your network. And just because you’ve weathered the storm once and dealt with an IT issue in the past doesn’t mean you’ll be fine the next time around—as security systems develop and adapt, so too do the various threats they are designed to repel. Strategic IT planning is all about being prepared for what’s coming down the road as opposed to a break-fix mentality, which is the IT equivalent of relying on your ability to swerve away from an accident instead of installing an airbag.  

Project management is all about being able to account for every possible scenario. Yes, you have a planned end date, but what happens if something gets in the way? Avoiding the avoidable is all about preparation. In this blog, we’ll talk about managed IT services, and how they can help your entire organization mitigate potential issues and help your team avoid costly downtime.

Is Your Network Safe?

If you don’t know the answer off the top of your head, it’s probably “no.” Our team specializes in helping companies mitigate potential issues with their infrastructure, allowing them to focus on what they do best.

Why You Need Managed IT Services

If you wait until the last second, you’ve already waited too long. By the time an external threat like malware or phishing scams has wormed its way into your infrastructure, you might very well be powerless to stop it. That’s why managed IT services are so important. At 42 Inc., our solutions are designed to help you avoid situations that could be detrimental to productivity. We help your team by installing, maintaining, and supporting technology that makes sense for your workflow and helps you focus on your core competencies. Our suite of managed services includes:

IT Assessments

Where are your vulnerabilities? You might be at risk and not even know it. As the threats that face your network become more complex, you need to do what you can to stay ahead of the curve. 42 Inc.’s IT assessments uncover weak spots within your system and help you stay safe. 

IT Infrastructure 

How closely do the services you use align with your workflow? IT infrastructure support is a core component for better understanding your technology. Our team provides quality assurance every step of the way. 


Our assessments pinpoint weak spots in your armor; our security solutions solidify them. We install comprehensive managed security systems so that your network maintains optimal functionality, repelling threats that might otherwise disrupt your workflow and cost your company a fortune.


You need more than an IT provider; you need a partner. While break-fix services necessitate calling someone only when things are already spiraling out of control, managed services from 42 Inc. provide you with on-call experts. Our team is always here to help with responsive, efficient service.

Plan for the Future With 42 Inc.

Business owners might feel like they’re helpless when it comes to stopping security threats, but that’s only the case if they’re unprepared. 42 Inc. helps companies by aligning their IT with their business goals, providing them with a cleaner, more streamlined workflow and a smaller chance of being disrupted by potential issues. For more information on how 42 Inc. can upgrade your IT, reach out to our team today.