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Strategic technology project development

Written by Deep Thought | Nov 29, 2023 8:48:18 PM

On any given project, there are countless moving parts that you need to be aware of. Whether it’s the personnel you’re collaborating with, the applications you’re using, and the timeline you have to adhere to, there are so many ways that you can get lost in the weeds. That’s why the right technology makes all the difference when it comes to completing projects in a timely, organized fashion. After all, shouldn’t the solutions you use be tailored to your approach, rather than vice-versa?

Make Project Management Easier

There are so many ways that you can make your life easier—it just comes down to how closely you’re willing to analyze your workflow (or what you want your workflow to look like), and how effectively you can match your IT solutions to meet those needs. At 42, Inc., our team works closely with each of our clients to ensure that the tools they use make sense for their process. No more working with outdated solutions that don’t yield better outcomes; no more letting valuable information get lost in the shuffle. It’s time to take your future performance into your own hands, no questions asked. 

So: What do you need to reach that next level of performance? In this blog, we’ll talk about the key areas that your technology has to address to make your next project go more smoothly than ever before.

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It’s almost impossible to go it alone in this day and age. And why should you try to? It’s easier than ever to stay connected with your team at all times. It’s when you’re separated by gaps in your technology that critical information gets lost in translation. Project-based chat platforms help workers stay in touch so they can exchange relevant messages, files, and more. More and more employees are working remotely with each passing day—shouldn’t you make changing with the times a little simpler?


What metrics are you adhering to? Meaningful performance tracking tools allow your team to keep a close eye on the progress you’re making (or lack thereof, which can be just as helpful). It’s impossible to understand how well you’re performing unless you have the fullest picture possible—the right insight into your team’s habits, quality, and schedule allows you to make changes as needed. After all, no project is ever going to go perfectly. But wouldn’t it be nice if you were able to inch just a little bit closer each time you come up short?


We know, we know: The “A” word often sends employees into a tailspin. Automation is music to the ears of some and a terrifying representation of what’s to come for others. But there are keys areas that you can automate that make your process easier and don’t necessarily mean that you suddenly have to work in a robots-only environment. Automating parts of your workflow allows your team to focus on more critical areas without having to spend time wondering whether the information they sent off reached its intended target. Don’t let avoidable problems be the reason that you’re missing deadlines; make your life easier and start automating the areas of your business that call for it.

Technology Roadmapping

Do you know what your next few years look like? You might have an idea of where you want to end up, but it can be difficult to know where to start if you don’t have a concrete plan in place. You might not be able to predict everything, but a technology roadmap can go a long way toward providing the insight you need to plan ahead. Aligning your technology with your long-term business plan allows for more strategic management. You’ll know when updates are going to be administered and when it’s time to scale your software up (or down), and you can explore new options for your company with the knowledge that you have a plan set in stone. 

Don’t wait until you fall behind on yet another project—take the success of your company into your own hands and steady the ship before you enter choppy waters. For quality strategic management solutions that put you in the best position to succeed, reach out to 42, Inc. for all of the information that you need.